The boat race
A great competition with self-designed boats by the teams … Nobody believes in it. That’s why it’s all the better to see that it eventually ends in a nice exciting race. Except for one that keels over … and then it’s all smiles. Each team has its own place where they can design and build. The teams each receive a package with basic materials. While the teams are building, they regularly have to nominate 2 team members who will carry out tasks to earn extra materials. The best teams in each battle will be rewarded. Extra materials can be earned such as: cardboard, adhesive tape, wooden sticks, scissors, paint and plastic, balloons, oars, buckets, a building plan of ‘the ideal’ boat, … And then comes the finale. Choose 2 brave team members who will test your boat. You can make some minor adjustments and then the race is on!
Many supporters on the side will help push the boats to the finish!
Download our program and catering menu
Opening hours February & March:
Saturday and Sunday from noon.
For groups of 25 people or more we can work with different opening hours. Ask for the possibilities via [email protected]
Tables can only be reserved inside the brasserie and in the canopy via the RESERVATION MODULE
From Sunday 14 May to Sunday 24 September
Thursday from 18:00 Salsa Beach
Sunday from 13:30 in good weather
Table reservations at Ark Beach are only possible from 8 people and this by mail to [email protected]
Have you read our FAQ but still haven't found the answer?
Then contact us by e-mail.
You will get more detailed information than over the phone.
[email protected] (various questions)
[email protected] (glamping)
[email protected] (canoe & kayak)
Do you still have a subject that requires telephone consultation?
You can reach us by telephone from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 13:00.
014 51 41 42
Ark van Noë
Arkstraat 6
2460 Lichtaart